We'd love to hear from you!

The Garden is located at 406 E. Franklin Blvd. in Gastonia, NC. It is tended and managed by volunteers. If you’d like to contact us, please fill out and submit the form below. One of us will get back to you just as fast as we can!

Our mailing address is,

PO Box 550515

Gastonia, NC, 28055


1. Mail checks to the PO Box above. Please make your check payable to, Rotary Community Garden of Gastonia.

2. Use either the convenient yellow PayPal donation button or MightyCause mini donation box options located in the lower left corner and very bottom of this page.

3. Shop through Amazon Smile and list the Garden as your beneficiary. A portion of your purchase will come to us, and there’s no extra cost to you!

Thank you for your support!